“As it turns out, Mathew Perry has a lot of courage. He takes us through his addictions, his illness, and his paralysing loneliness…Ultimately, this book is filled with hope for the future. If you want to know Mathew Perry is, stay away from the rags and read this.” Marta Kauffman, co-creator of…
8 Productive Weekend Habits to Set Yourself Up for Success
This weekend I was reminded by a Facebook post I published a decade ago. It said “I felt like my physics paper was due tomorrow and I have barely read one chapter.” We all have been there at one time or another. The feeling of a dread on a Sunday evening when…
3 negative beliefs and habits that keep you down
Are you constantly beating yourself up and overwhelmed with a feeling of not able to cope with the pressure? Do you either doubt yourself all the time or reminiscing about the past when you did not feel this way? You feel like you are stuck in a rut and never coming out…
4 things to do in Spring to uplift your mood
Hello everyone, first of all, I know I’ve been MIA for a few weeks now and I apologise. It’s been extra busy schedule at work that also took a toll at my health and we moved to a new house this month. Well to be honest it’s been a challenge to keep…
Man’s Search for Meaning: Book review
“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” Viktor E. Frankl Man’s Search for Meaning packs a big promise in the title if not the biggest. Mankind has been searching for meaning since the beginning of time. The ultimate truth, religion, science this is…
5 pieces on my Spring Summer wish-list
Spring is here undoubtedly. After a few months of hide and seek with Sun I’m glad to see the bright days and longer hours of daylight. Usually a fan of Autumn Winter months, I am surprisingly excited to shed some layers and bask in the afternoon sun. I can already envision walks…